SCP Tech Brief: Concrete Cracking
An unfortunate truth in concrete construction is that concrete cracks. There is no magic technology that solves all forms of concrete cracking. When properly
used, Spray-Lock Concrete Protection (SCP) products may help reduce the chances of some forms of cracking, but not all. In this technical brief, you will
learn how to distinguish between different types of common cracks and SCP’s products effects, if any, on those types of cracks.
Cracking is caused by many different reasons, but all cracks in concrete are caused by movement of the concrete in a way that exceeds the concrete’s ability
to resist the forces generated. Concrete is strong in compression, but relatively weak in tension, flexure, and torsion. Some cracking mechanisms cause the
concrete to move differently from the top to the bottom, for instance, generating stress at the interface between the two movement planes. In general,
concrete cracks due to external loading, thermal gradients, moisture gradients, or in response to a chemical reaction (internal or external).
Cracking Due to External Loading
When loads exceed concrete’s ability to resist the forces applied cracks may occur. An example is negative-moment cracks above beams in an elevated deck caused by flexural forces between the beams moving in a downward direction. The concrete remains stationary above the beams while the concrete between the beams moves, sometimes resulting in cracking. Another example is cracking in a slab on grade that is exposed to traffic loads along an edge, breaking the concrete in a half-moon shape. SCP products do not help resist cracks due to external loading. Proper design to resist forces applied, including the strength of concrete and reinforcement sizing and positioning are the keys to limiting cracking due to external loading.
Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

Plastic shrinkage cracks can occur when weather conditions cause rapid evaporation of bleed water before it can be replaced naturally by the subsurface concrete. Low relative humidity, high winds, and high concrete temperature can all contribute to plastic shrinkage cracking.
The good news is that plastic shrinkage cracks are not usually structural problems. The bad news is that they are cosmetically unappealing in instances where the concrete is exposed. Weather conditions conducive to plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete can be readily predicted by using several weather-related websites and/or commercially available instruments. There are several recommendations that help prevent plastic shrinkage cracks from ACI, NRMCA, and other sources, including erecting wind breaks, misting or fogging the slab with water, placing concrete in the early morning hours, lowering concrete temperatures, and using micro fibers. SCP products have little to no effect on plastic shrinkage cracking since most plastic shrinkage cracks occur before it is the proper time for SCP product application.
Plastic Settlement Cracking


Settlement Cracking

Drying Shrinkage Cracking

Much of the remaining water leaves the concrete, causing the concrete to shrink. When concrete is restrained by the ground, embeds, re-entrant corners, etc., tensile forces develop that can exceed the concrete’s ability to withstand them, and cracks form. Contraction joints are generally introduced to concrete to provide vertical planes of weakness that allow the concrete to form cracks in predetermined straight lines.
Drying shrinkage cracks are most likely to form at or near sources of restraint such as turn-down footings, depth changes, plumbing, and other penetrations. SCP products can reduce drying shrinkage of the concrete significantly by trapping some of the water inside the concrete and filling capillary voids, but drying shrinkage cracks will still occur near these sources of restraint.
SCP Technology can significantly reduce drying shrinkage, but sources of restraint and improper jointing can still cause cracking.
Please note that there are many other types of concrete cracks that may occur. The preceding descriptions are the most commonly encountered early-age cracks in concrete construction. The use of SCP products cannot guarantee crack-free concrete. While proper slab design and installation methods can help reduce the chances for random cracking, ACI states that cracking can still be expected in at least 2% of all concrete panels, even where all work is executed properly.

For further information, many sources exist on concrete cracking and the mechanisms involved. SCP recommends information from ACI, PCA, and NRMCA as sources for further reading. Please contact SCP Tech with any questions at SCPTech@SprayLock.com.